Restless and very achy still, I managed to wrestle my way out of the covers, and almost dump myself out of bed. Eyes very closed. Ouch, that hard wood floor stings, it's icy cold for this time of the year. I finally make it to the hallway and find the walls that will guide me to the second set of very cushiony carpety (I am sure that is not even a word) steps that lead into the kitchen.
Eyes still closed.
I find the step railing that will help lead me to a nice hot bowl of soup. I wonder if perhaps there is one waiting for me? Wouldn't that be nice? He does that sometimes and it makes me smile E-V-E-R-Y time. This time, I don't smell anything. Maybe for dinner, I keep my fingers crossed. I wish I may, I wish I might... find a nice bowl of hot steamy soup.
In mid-step, I scratch my eyes open and find this:
...two pairs of shoes at the bottom of the steps.
It looks like they had a fun day out side. They must have come inside, kicked off their shoes at the same time, and magically placed them on our rug. I couldn't resist. Sick, clammy, sweaty, and all --- my hands manage to grab the camera.
They are tired and waiting for momma in the adjoining family room with "big-happy-I-missed-you, wished-you-could-have-played-with-us-outside" smiles.
Where's the soup?!